Loops in Javascript

In this article, we shall look into different types of loops available in javascript. Loops are used to iterate over the elements in an array or the object.

We can classify the loops as below

  • for loop
  • for-of loop
  • for-in loop
  • while loop
  • do-while loop

For iterating in an array we can use for, for-of, while and do-while. To iterate through the properties of an object we use for-in loop.

1) for loop

The for loops are use to iterate through the elements in an array or a collection. It has the following syntax as mentioned below.

for(Intialization; Condition; Increment/Decrement) {
   // logic to be executed.

Intialization - It is used to initialize any variable with a value. It is run only onces during the start of the loop.

Condition - It will contain a condition. It will check the condition for every iteration and will allow inside the loop only if the condition is satisfied.

Increment/Decrement- This will either increment or decrement the value of the variable for every iteration.

Example for 'for' loop:

If we want to add a new employee to the list then we can use


Developer 1
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Developer 3
Developer 4

2) for-of loop

The for-of loop allows us to loop through the values of an iterable object. It may be an array or a string or maps etc.


for (variable of iterable) {
  // logic to be executed.

Example for 'for-of' loop:


Developer 1
Developer 2
Developer 3
Developer 4

In the above example, when looping through the 'developers' array using for-in loop. Each time it returns the value to the 'developer' variable.

3) for-in loop

The for-in loop is used to iterate through the properties of an object.


for (variable of iterable) {
  // logic to be executed.

Example for 'for-in' loop:


Key:name Value:John
Key:designation Value:Senior Developer

In the above example, we have an object with two properties 'name' and 'designation'. Now, using the for-in loop we iterated through each properties of the object.

4) while loop

The while loop will be executing the block of codes repeatedly until a particular condition is satisfied.


    // code to be executed.

Example for 'while' loop:


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Developer 4

5) do-while loop

The do-while loop will be executing atleast once even if the condition is false initially. The condition will be checked only after the block of code is executed intially.


  do {
    // block of code.

Example 1 for 'do-while' loop:


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Developer 4

In the above example, initially the code inside the do-while loop is initially executed and later on the condition will be checked. In this scenario this will produce the output exactly like a while loop. Let's see another example.

Example 2 for 'do-while' loop:


Inside do-while loop

In the above code, even when the condition is not satisfied initially, the block of code inside the do-while loop will be executed initially. Then later on when checking the condition, it fails to satisfy the condition, so it will exit the loop.

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